If you consider Liberty Bible Church your church home,
will you take a personal journey with us as we gather before God?


Our vision for the next season of Liberty Bible Church is not primarily about our buildings, but about the mission God has given His church. That mission is for us to know God and His love, and to spend our lives seeking to gather others before Him. God is challenging us to enter into a fresh season of multiplying disciples, leaders, groups and churches.

Is the whole of my life gathered before God? Am I sold out to the calling and vision God has for my life? Is my life spent in intentional pursuit of the Kingdom of God?

How is God inviting me to grow in generosity as an expression of trust, gratitude, and gathering my life before Him?

What is my legacy? What would others say and what would God say — about the time and gifts He gave to me in my life? Where has my life pointed — toward Christ or toward myself?


As we implement the GATHER vision over the next two years, everything will be under one budget and our ministry investments will be as follows:

If we pursue gathering ourselves before God, we are confident that the Father will provide the resources for laying the foundation for the next 100 years of LBC.


To fund the ongoing ministries that we believe so deeply in — New Hope Counseling, Missions & Global Engagement, Sports Ministries, Women’s and Men’s Ministries, Children and Students, and much more!


To re-design our buildings to expand worship capacity in LaPorte, update our worship center in Chesterton, create a safe and welcoming Children’s Ministry at each of our campuses, to make it easier for guests and members to navigate our Chesterton building, and to create more accessible buildings in all of our campuses.


To fund a new residency program for college students, Church-planting, Community Engagement and Global Missions.

* We will fund the remainder of our building needs with up to $6.5M in financing.

Learn more by downloading the
Gather Initiative Vision Booklet


  • We are asking that everyone make a two-year commitment to the Gather Initiative. The fulfillment period for your commitment will begin March 2023 and culminate at the end of February 2025.

  • Pray! First and foremost, pray. We desire to be a house of prayer for all people, so it all starts with us seeking God. We believe each person is made by God, loved by God, and God desires to lead us into a fruitful and flourishing life. Start with prayer.

    Join a group this season is you aren’t already a part of one.

    Give. We ask that you spend a committed time — praying and seeking through how God might call you to make a financial commitment to further God’s mission through Liberty Bible Church.

    Come to Commitment Sunday.

    We ask that you join us on February 12 for Commitment Sunday and prepare for a life-changing worship service that will be remembered as a defining moment for our church and faith.

  • Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give. You might have stock, property, or a stored resource that God has blessed you with in the past that he might call you to give during this time. Please let us know if you need assistance with facilitating gifts of property or stock, and we should be happy to help you with that.

  • If you are currently seeking to pay off debt, that is awesome! We celebrate that with you! We would be happy to help you on that journey and recommend resources and possible classes that might help you. However, we believe that being in debt does not prevent us from generosity. Giving isn’t about what God wants from you; it’s about what God wants for you. So it can be our joy and privilege to give at all times. Please contact Darrell Crots at darrellc@lbchurch.org if you need assistance with a plan to get out of debt. We would be honored to help!

  • The Gather Initiative was explicitly designed with you in mind. Gather is a ‘one fund’ generosity initiative, meaning that it is different from a traditional campaign where you are called to not only regularly give to the church’s general fund but also asked to give to a special project or building fund — creating TWO steps for people who aren’t yet giving. By doing a ‘one fund’ initiative with Gather, we’re saying that every dollar given to LBC over the next two years goes to Gather. You don’t need to be a regular giver already to participate. Gather is a call to sacrificial, gospel-centered generosity for everyone at Liberty. If you have never given, this is your chance to join us and commit go God’s mission through our church. We hope you will.

  • Gather is about the vision of our church. We believe that the local church is the most compelling mission to give toward, it is God’s Plan A to break His salvation into this world. We would love it if you made Liberty your church home, and if you are ready for it, this is the perfect time to join us!